Thursday, March 30, 2006

Just when you think you're done...

They reel you back in. Remember my lovely announcement about 2.5 months ago? The one where I jumped up and down screaming that I finished my book?
Yeah, I was wrong.
To be fair, the book was done, and I made my way through the first round of revisions. This week I planned to start inputting them. Unfortunately fate had another idea. Today I learned about an editor who is looking for Paranormal Romance...specifically JEWISH paranormal romance. So what does this mean for me? It means I'm going to try to revamp my current WIP to see if I can pull it off as a Paranormal. Ms. K and I walked tonight, and talked out some important plot changes that will have to occur for me to pull this off, not to mention some major characterization stuff. *sigh* Just what I need when I'm in the middle of working on my final Portfolio for my Masters, huh?
Yes, feel free to say it...I'm crazy. But at least I'm a good kind of crazy :D Wish me luck!


At 8:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Now I'm pushing hard work. Why are you here?????? You should looking at your current WIP!

WAPPPPPpissssshhhhhhh! (That is the sound of a whip cracking, if you didn't catch that.)

At 10:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It may be crazy to pile more work on yourself but I think it's smart to take advantage of this opportunity. If an editor is looking for something you have, albeit with some tweaking, you're already at an advantage. Go for it and good luck!

At 3:47 PM, Blogger Maura Anderson said...

LOL - glad you saw that, Erin. I was just about to mail the link to you as you came IMMEDIATELY to mind when I read it!


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