Monday, June 12, 2006

It's over...

It's done! I've done it! Saturday morning at approximately 10:45 (give or take 15 minutes) I walked across the small stage in the ballroom of UW's HUB and shook hands with our Dean and our Department chair. I graduated! I looked down at the smiling (and crying...let's not forget the crying) face of my mother, and it sank in. I made it through. I only lost some of my sanity (or what was there to begin with), and I didn't hurt any of my friends. Yes, some more personal things had to suffer for me to get my Masters, but it was worth it.

And now, if you'll indulge me for a moment. I need to thank a whole lot of people. Most of you know who you are. I have to thank my GK girls, Ms. K., NY C, Ms. C., my all you who I'm temporarily blanking. I never would have made it through this program without all of you. You made me laugh when I wanted to cry, let me cry when I needed to, pushed me to do more than I ever believed I could. And most of all, you believed in me...even when I began to doubt myself. You are all the reason I'm here today. Thank you!! to follow soon. Just have to pick 'em up from Mom.


At 7:13 AM, Blogger Shannon McKelden said...

We're SOOOO proud of you! You rock, Erin! You'll make the bestest teacher ever. :-)


At 11:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Congratulations on finishing! That is too cool! You'll be an awesome teacher!

One of your friends you blanked on :)


At 5:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'm so happy and proud and all of those wonderful emotions rolled into one.

You rock like the rocking-est thing ever. <3<3<3<3<3<3<3


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