Tuesday, September 01, 2009

It's only been a week...

Oh, don't look at me that way. It's not my fault my posts are few and far between these days.
Well, okay, it is. But it's not really. It's the first week of school. I'm closing on my condo. I have to paint said condo. And I actually managed to forget I have a nice long weekend this weekend.
See? It's not my fault, I've just lost my mind.
On the upside, I finalled in the Emerald City Opener contest, hosted by the Greater Seattle RWA chapter. I'm thrilled beyond belief, even if that thrill is slighly under the shadow of the fact that I'm about to hand over most of my savings to people I've only met a few times.
So what's keeping you up at night?



At 10:17 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Well, you can guess what is keeping *us* up at night. Hope all goes well. :)

- Brooke and Jason

At 1:23 PM, Blogger Eileen said...

Congrats again on the contest final.

I am freaking out over the need to sell my house since I just bought a new house and it seems a bit much to try and have two.


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