Tuesday, May 03, 2005


why is it that we women think men are so important to our lives? why do we wait around for them to call? we purposely leave the phone plugged in, make sure that our cells are on and we are not online just on the off chance that they might call us? what's up with that? and we know better! that's the worst part. we know better. we tell our friends it's his loss. but inside we still think, "What's wrong with me?" and the reality of it is that there's nothing wrong with us. nothing. unless of course you count the penchant for waiting by the phone for the illusive man without any spine to pick up the phone and dial our number. we go through all sorts of excuses in our heads (and to our friends) for why he hasn't called. the truth is ladies, that it's because he doesn't want to. really. sadly this is the truth. maybe he's too scared, maybe he's too busy, maybe this maybe that. the truth is (and i have proof of this from men that i have dated) if he wants you, he'll find a way. he'll stop by your second job to bring you flowers because he knows you're too busy to see him that night. he'll call you on the off chance that you may have a spare five minutes. he will not call you, leave you a message, then wait more than 2 days to return your call back to him.
and really, that's the difference, at least for me. i don't play games. if i want to talk to you i'll pick up the phone and call, or if i'm really pressed for time (which seems often these days between the book and school and work) i'll email you. if i don't, then i don't really want to talk, now do i?
and still, i know that the next time i hear from a guy i'm interested, i'll play the waiting game again. but maybe i won't wait quite as long.


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