Thursday, August 11, 2005

I'll be his guitar strings

Okay, maybe not. But it's a nice thought, isn't it? Christina and I went to see two amazing bands yesterday at the South Lake Union Summer Nights Concert Series. If any of you have the opportunity to see either Ozomotli or Los Lonely Boys live, you must go. Seriously, the energy these bands generate is unbelievable. Not to mention these guys are Musicians. their guitar playing alone is worth the ticket price.
And now, some words of the wise from our sponsors on appropriate concert going behavior:

Dance. It's really very simple. You sway your hips and wave your arms. Seriously, it's not difficult. We witnessed what I am beginning to realize is a Seattle phenomenon of people attending a concert, and then either sitting in their seats (who DOES that?) or standing up, but not moving. What's that about?

Scream and yell! Again, why are you all so polite? it's a concert, show some love!

If you insist on dancing provacatively in front of your boyfriend, maybe warn him ahead of time? This poor guy was having a *very* good time. too bad it was in public.

If you insist on bringing your 20 years younger than you boyfriend to a concert, make sure he doesn't look stoned the whole time. People will only talk.

Always, always, joke around with your neighbors. They are who will laugh with you when some guy who almost breaks your toe again can't manage to find his way out of your "chair trap"

But most of all, have a good time :D


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