Tuesday, September 20, 2005

So very, very tired...

I realized I've been slightly lax in my posting as of late. This is what happens when I dive head first back into the world of teaching, especially while still maintaining a work schedule. Will I ever learn my lesson?
I've never been good at saying no. I'll go and go and go until I drop, and then wonder what the hell just happened. I've talked with old high school friends about it, and they seem to suffer from the same malady. We blame our school. They bred us to be multitasking over-achievers.
The student teaching is going well, for all who wonder. Great class, great CT. We're starting to figure out the areas where I need to focus/work on. Like classroom management. To say I struggle with it is putting it mildly. On the upside, she's giving me lots of opportunities to practice. I've been teaching at least one lesson (however short) a day. Sadly, tomorrow is my last field day for a month. A week from tomorrow the actual classes start, and that's when I'll really start to be crazy.
I love the kids, and I love learning. But the fatigue has a direct reflection in my writing. It's been really difficult for me to go from 20+ pages a week, to barely managing 10. It's a hard thing for me to reconcile. The part of me that wrote all summer wants those days back. The rational part of me knows I can only do so much.
I think its safe to say that for the rest of you, it should be fairly entertaining to watch me over the next several months. If anything, it will teach you what not to do with your life.


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