Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Bad Juju...

My table has bad juju. Yes, you read that correctly. During a discussion last night about how I have to replace my current table and chairs with my dad's table and chairs soon, Christina pointed out that because of its history, my table has bad juju (karma, energy...whatever you want to call it). I've cleansed the apartment (spending significant time over the table area), I've cleaned it, I've treated it nicely, but regardless, the bad juju sticks around.
"Why?" you ask.
Simple, really. You see, the table originally belonged to my ex. (Actually, it belonged to someone before him, but I think he bought it at Value Village, so I can't say for certain what traumas it may have witnessed in the past.) He gave it to me to use when one of my roommates moved out and took her table with her. When the ex and I broke up, I got to keep the table. Now since then, my dating life has been pretty dismal. According to Christina, this is directly related to the table. Now, logic says that if I get rid of the table, the bad juju associated with it goes away too.
So, any takers?


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