Sunday, November 27, 2005

The countdown is on...

Just 2 weeks left of classes for the quarter. That's 8 days left of sitting through class, trying desperately to pay attention while my mind wanders to the remaining papers I have to write. My major paper is due tomorrow. After 4 pm tomorrow I'll be in the home stretch. I'll also likely be freaking out. But that's just normal for me. Case in point: I thought I had a whole other week to finish my science paper. Nope, sorry...apparently that's the wrong answer. I have 5 days. 5 DAYS! to finish it. Infinitely doable, yes. But it's safe to say that by the end, my brain may be mush. Mush is not good when you still have between 60 and 70 pages to write of your book. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, I'm in the home stretch there, too. Time to start pulling together all the twisted plotlines that I've created. Time to find Mom (not my mom, my character's mom) who flew off to Florida without a word. Time to get through her Best Friend's wedding (and no, I'll share no more secrets about that). Time to bring my Hero back into the picture with his not-so-grand gesture. Well, you can see where I'm going with this. My plan is to still finish this book before I start my student teaching. That leaves me with less than a month (and at least a few parties and papers in between), to get down to business. pressure there!


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