Friday, November 11, 2005

I blame Winking Out Loud...

for my new obsession.

Overheard in the Office:
Boss: Those cupcakes are delicious. What a sugar rush!
Intern: I broke out in hives.
Boss: In hives?
Intern: A rash. My skin is very sensitive.
Boss: To sugar?
Intern: Yup.
Boss: That's amazing.
Intern: When I was a kid I got sick and I had to have, like, ten X-rays a day. Literally, five X-rays a day. And I think that messed up my photons.
Boss: Your photons?
Intern: Yeah, that's how X-rays work, you know? They reverse your photons. That's how they get the image.
Boss: Oh.
Intern: That's why my skin is so sensitive, because they messed up the photons. They won't admit it, because they don't want me to sue them. But I know what's up.

And yes, someone really said this...


At 10:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I want photons! Maybe a photon ray that would shoot out from my finger when I pointed at someone, blinding them with intense light! Ooh, that would be neat! Or I could be like Cyclops in X-men, but I personally think the visor thing is tacky... ;)

On a side note- gee, isn't it fun to work with morons sometimes? At least they're good for entertainment value!


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