Tuesday, December 20, 2005

No, it's not pronounced Shishkabob...

I was pleasantly suprised to see that yesterday's Word of the Day was Shiksa (n. meaning: a Non-Jewish woman). See, Shiksa has become somewhat of a private (now relatively public) joke between Ms. K. and myself. It's one of those words guarateed to make us both smile and laugh. So, while at Serena's yesterday, I shared the word of the day, and then continued to laugh my tuches off for the rest of the day. Serena, it seems, has great difficulty in pronouncing Shiksa. This of course makes for many opportunities where I can then ask her to "share" the new word she learned. The conversation went something like this:
  • Me: Serena, tell the girls the new word you learned.
  • Serena: Shis...shi...Shitka? Shiska?
  • Me: Close, shiksa (said with a smile and a laugh).
  • Serena: That's what I said, Shiska!
  • Christina: it's like mysugarnuts!
At this point I was basically rolling on the floor laughing. There's almost nothing funnier than watching two of my best friends try to speak Yiddish. To review: it is ShiKsa, not ShisKa. And it's Meshugenah, not Mysugarnuts.

Now, talk amongst yourselves.


At 8:06 AM, Blogger The (Mis)Adventures of a Single City Chick said...

Seriously, woman, it's MY-SUGAR-NUTS! Nothing will convince me otherwise. See? They even sell them online:




At 10:04 AM, Blogger serena said...

Look at the Jewish Princes, with her cool yiddish dialect mocking us poor gentiles. Sheesh. -grin-

Tacky Shiksa Central-

At 10:10 AM, Blogger Erin said...

That's PrinCESS to you, m'dear :D


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