Thursday, December 22, 2005

What a scam...

I just got back from the dentist for my semi-annual cleaning, and all I have to say is what a scam! When I got there, she had my "file" up on the computer, and it showed what I was scheduled for, including the prices. Now, keep in mind that because of my student status, I do not have dental insurance at this time. I haven't scimped on going in, but these cleanings are expensive! So the list looked something like this:
Exam: $54.00
Cleaning: $105.00
X-Rays: $59.00

Um...excuse me? $54.00 for my dentist (who does not even do the cleaning part!) to come look into my mouth for 2 minutes and tell me it's all good? I don't think so!

Thankfully, I also got out of the X-Rays, so all I had to pay for was the cleaning. But still...I'm seeing something extremely wrong happening here.
Very, very wrong...


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