Sunday, January 29, 2006

A Day in the Life...

I'm hurting. Seriously. I don't want to whine here, but I'm a-hurtin'. This would be because of the P.E. seminar that I am forced to take by the teaching program. WTF? Do I look like the type who is going to be a PE teacher? Heck, anyone who knows me, knows very well how I handled gym class (or sports teams) growing up. And those were with decent teachers! So I went to the seminar (day one of two), and I sat on their hard gym floor (damn, I need more padding), and I played their games. I even had fun. But now I'm paying for it. Why oh why must my body protest so much? I'm not in bad shape. I could stretch more, sure, but overall I'm in okay shape. I could go hiking or biking right now even!

So there you have it, a day in the life. Now where are the Epsom Salts??


At 11:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

WOA! WOA! WOA! Truly. Never ask for more bombosity padding. Bad idea. Quick! Take it back. Take it back. You don't want more padding. Trust me. I've asked for that before too. Quick! Take it back!


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