Tuesday, January 03, 2006

I'm awake way too early...

I often hear about people claiming to be morning or night people. Some thrive at waking up at 4 a.m., running a mile, eating breakfast and going to work. These people are usually in bed by about 8:30 at night. The other type struggle to wake up before 9, but by 8pm they are raring to go.
I'm neither.
I'm a middle of the day kind of gal. Which I always find interesting, because I often have to pretend I'm a morning person. Like the year in college when I opened the coffee shop 4 days a week. Or like now, when I have to leave my apartment at 0 dark thirty in order to be at school by 7 to begin planning and getting myself together. It fully explains why I'm in desperate need of a nap by 2pm.

In other news, I'm preparing myself for email withdrawal again. I suffer from it whenever I'm in the field, as I can't access any of my personal emails from the school. Sadly, after spending two years constantly online and on email, this becomes rather difficult for me to handle.

So happy first day back! I'm off to find something to wake me up.


At 7:56 AM, Blogger The (Mis)Adventures of a Single City Chick said...

Ugh, I hear ya, Erin! 5am came early for me this morning after being off for the holidays for over a week. Yet, even knowing when the alarm was to go off, I still couldn't get to sleep until 11:30pm last night. It's going to be a LOOOOONNNGGGGG day. Grrr. ;-)


At 6:28 PM, Blogger Erin said...

Ugh is right! I had the same problem. Glad to hear I'm not the only one. Hope your day was okay, even with the lack of sleep.

At 9:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know how you do it. Even knowing that I used to do it when I worked outside the home, I still don't know how people get up so early. And manage to function!!

Better hook up the caffeine IV!


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