Sunday, March 05, 2006

Popping in just for a minute...

I feel like I've been remiss in my posting this week, but I only have a minute to remedy this.
My life seems to be moving at a very rapid pace at the moment. Tomorrow I'll spend the day observing in Language Arts/Social Studies classrooms at one of the local Middle Schools. This is my way of getting it known out in the world that I want to teach Middle School. Beyond this visit, I have an observation on Tuesday by one of the high-ups in Bellevue School District. When it's over, I'll know whether or not I will be put into the hiring pool for the upcoming school year. Yeah, no pressure there. Strangely enough, though (and especially if you know me well), I'm not all that nervous about this. I figure it's going to be whatever it's going to be, and all I can do for it is my best job. Which of course leads into this weekend's activities. Yesterday was spent editing (only 1 chapter), updating my resume (what exactly is my objective here?), looking into what I wanted to teach for my lesson on tuesday, and not going out to buy a tape to video tape one of my lessons later this next week.
Of course, I'm making up for all this school focus by joining our monthly GK meeting on its special day and time for the Oscars! Check back later in the week for what happened.


At 10:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck with the observation! I know you'll do just fine.


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