Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Guest Blogger....Ms. K!!

Why Erin has random stuff happen:
Just lucky
To give more stories to tell
Her deceased relatives hate for her to be bored
To make her late for school
To make her late for work
To get her blood pressure up to a level where exercise is no longer necessary
To aid in digestion
To increase her tolerance for stress
To provide a level of comfort with the unknown
To force her to use her cell phone minutes making calls to car fixers
To just plain piss her off
To entertain her friends
To provide a manner for her to meet men
To encourage fiscal responsibility
To encourage cleanliness (wouldn't want to get caught with that nasty car debris by an unsuspecting police officer stopping to help at the side of the road)
To encourage wishful thinking
To give her mom something to worry about (Like that is an issue?) Heh.
To just plain scare the Hell (though it is not inherent in her belief system) right out of her


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