Monday, August 21, 2006

You know you have good friends when...

These are some signs you have good friends...
  • All you have to do is say you're having a bad day, and they're on their way over to cheer you up.
  • They'll sit with you for 2 hours while you mope and cry, in hopes that they'll be able to make you laugh.
  • They bring you chocolate and potato chips.
  • They tell you, "You are fabulous!"
  • They remind you of how wonderful you are, and how much you deserve in life.
  • They are quick with a joke, or a funny story.
  • They switch around other plans, so you can go walking.
  • They call you from Singapore, just to check in with you...
These are only some of the signs...feel free to add your signs to my list.


At 4:26 PM, Blogger Shannon McKelden said...

You know you have good friends:

* when you trust them implicitly
* when you know they never judge you
* when you a cyber hug or pat on the back is almost as good as the real thing because you know they mean it

Chin up, sweetie! You ARE the best and don't ever forget it!

At 9:50 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know they complain about your "quirks" to the other people, but they still like you anyway because they "quirks" aren't important, your heart is. Trivial Pursuit is next! We're going to beat the boys upside down and sideways!

At 5:09 PM, Blogger Erin said...

They continue to be your friend even when you don't always listen to their advice, but instead provide them with a Train Wreck to watch

At 11:46 AM, Blogger lacey kaye said...

LOL on the last one, Erin. Did you have a bad day, dear? I'm sorry too! *hugs* over here


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