Tuesday, September 05, 2006

I fully admit...

I'm a strange person. Really. I accepted this about myself a long time ago. Of course, I never realize exactly how strange until today.
Picture it...Washington, 2006 (shades of Golden Girls anyone?)
I'm exhausted from my first day of teaching (wahoo! I have a job!). I straggle home, picking up a latte on the way. I pick up my mail and notice a white envelope. Huh...looks familiar, I think. Check the return address...oh. It's one of the SASE's from last week's batch of partial submissions. Huh. This can't be good. It's only been a week. They can't have hated it so quickly, could they?
Open the envelope, pull out the letter from Editor X. She was my long shot. She was the one I'd met a few years ago at a conference and I'd heard she was hungry for new material. So I sent her the partial.
Read the letter.
Re-read the letter. Get excited.
Wait. Excited? About a rejection? What is wrong with me!? (rhetorical question here, people.)
Re-read rejection. Nope. Still excited.
I'm weird.
So by now I'm sure you all want to know why I'm so excited. Truthfully, it could be the caffeine talking, but I don't think it is. See, Editor X thought I had a "fresh and attention-grabbing concept", and she was "excited to read it". The problem, if you can really call it that, is that she didn't fall in love with the story as a whole.
Well, okay. I can understand that. I don't love every story I read, either. Of course, I think she should have loved mine...but I can understand it might not have been her cup of tea. But her rejection rocked! None of this "you suck, don't ever write again" business. No. I have a "fresh and attention-grabbing concept". Yeehaw!


At 8:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't even feel sorry for you. This is slightly odd. More than slightly odd.

At 9:17 PM, Blogger Erin said...

I'm soooo not looking for pity here. I just find my reaction amusing. d

At 10:30 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, that's the kind of rejection I would want. "Fresh and attention-grabbing concept" is, well, it's praise. You done good, kid, I'm impressed.

Not that I'm ever not impressed. =D Now here's hoping some of the other editors recognize your vast and immense genious.

Good luck in your first week teaching!

At 8:28 AM, Blogger lacey kaye said...

WOW that's AWESOME! You should definitely get a Kudo tonight :-)


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