Monday, September 18, 2006

Sudden realizations...

My mom often asks me how can I re-watch movies or re-read books. She doesn't see the appeal of spending time on something you've already done. (Never mind the fact she never remembers what she reads or sees anyway, that's beside the point.)
Today, I'm reminded again why I love re-reading my favorite books, or re-watching movies. It's for that, "How did I miss that?" factor. I don't know about you, but when I read a book, or watch a movie, I'm looking at the big picture. I don't notice the little subtleties, those little moments that are almost hidden within the text or picture. It's often not until the second, third, or even forth time through that I begin to notice those little pieces I missed. Often, they are subtle, but important clues to the overall piece. I love that feeling, the one I get from noticing a line, or a look. I love finding those deeper meanings, or hidden treasures.

What do you love? C'mon, share with the class!


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