Sunday, October 01, 2006

Mothers and Daughters...

Here's the thing about mothers and daughters, that only the really lucky ones understand...we often know each other way better than we even realize. Take Mom and me. We *gasp* actually enjoy spending time together. It's harder for us to do so in the fall, because it's usually too wet on Sundays to bike. But we go for walks, or meet for coffee. We talk on the phone or go to a movie. We're friends. There are times, however, when this can get very...umm...interesting. Yeah, that's the best way I can describe it. Interesting.
For example, take our phone conversation this afternoon. Mom was telling me that she and H had been chatting about me. In particular, a new friend and me. She was laughing because apparently they both agree that simply by what they know about me...they would have expected my sister to have this particular friend and not me. She likened it to my very secular sister bringing home a rabbi's son. *snort* Now there's something I'd like to see. So what am I to do? Take offense? Argue? Shrug it off? None of the above? It's hard, because I do respect Mom's thoughts and opinions. Heck, our relationship (or a bastardized version of it,) was the inspiration for my current WiP. She's kind of like my own personal Jiminy Cricket, that little voice of reason I so do not want to hear from at the moment. She points out all those little things that I already know, but am choosing not to think about yet. See, I'm a notorious worrier. And I've been known to sabatoge the present because of what I fear may happen in the future.

"So what am I going to do?" you ask. Enjoy myself. Take it one day at a time. And put away my crystal ball. I don't need to know what's coming just yet. I'd like to see where the ride is gonna take me, first. If Mom wants to worry let her, but I'm finally learning that it doesn't do me a whole lot of good, and wastes a lot of otherwise good energy.


At 8:57 PM, Blogger Shannon McKelden said...

Good choice. Don't worry. Be Happy! :-)

At 2:31 PM, Blogger Miss G said...

what's this about a "friend"? Hmmm... I hadn't heard anything...


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