Friday, October 20, 2006

A Night with a Dashing, Older Gentleman...

See? I knew I'd get your attention. Ms. K and I went to see Garrison Keiler (Prairie Home Companion fame) last night, down at the Paramount Theater. Mom and Aunt had bought tickets, but then went out of town, so I reaped the benefits. I do love when I get to take advantage of their favorite past times.
The show itself? Fabulous. I can't even do it justice with a decent description. Especially not in the time I have before leaving for work. Let's just say there was a story about a green bowling ball, a naked flying man, Lutheran priests on a pontoon and a man named Raoul. 'Nuff said.
There were only 6 people (incl. Ms. K and I) in our row. We had the two end seats and another couple was somewhere around the middle. But the last couple? Yeah, right next to us. As in so close, I could have smelled her breath if I wanted. Made no sense to me why they didn't move over. I mean c'mon! It couldn't have been that fun to sit all cramped up next to me anyway. But no, they stayed in their "assigned" seats the entire time. Wouldn't have been so bad, except the woman (who sat next to me) expanded throughout the evening. It started subtle-like. A shift here, a shift there. But before I knew it, she'd slumped down in her seat, spread her arms out onto both armrests, and eased her legs out in front of her like a 45 year-old divorced man watching a ball game with a beer.
I almost said something, but I figured it was safer not to. She was bigger than me after all.


At 7:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We were in the left aisle. I considered asking Miss E if she wanted to just move to the right aisle seats (that E-N-T-I-R-E half was empty), but decided I'd wait and see how far ingeniuty for the night could go. Hee! Hee! I was more worried about the two ladies in front of us who were sitting vERRRyyy close. Afraid I'd not be able to see between their heads.


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