Saturday, November 18, 2006

A week of ups and downs

I met a friend for coffee the other night. We discussed life with a new baby (his), dating (me), and the publishing industry. At one point, he likened a positive rejection to dumping a man because he was too tall. (Okay, I admit, he didn't use that exact word, but this is a PG blog, k?) After I finished laughing over this analogy, I began to really think about it...and he was right! Rejection can be so arbitrary sometimes. Remember that old line, "It's not you, it's me?" I know, sad, right? It's the line we use when we don't want to hurt the other person, even though it's their constant chewing with their mouth open that has prompted the break up. But sometimes there is a person out there who also chews with their mouth open, and can't wait to find a like-minded mate.
See? It's all about perspective. I know I've said this before, but it is. What one agent or editor might find pedestrian or over-used, another might find new and fascinating. Who's to say that even though 20 agents have rejected you (and yes, this is a mass's for effect people), the 21st won't call you up inviting you for a champagne dinner to celebrate your new partnership? It only takes one, to start. Just one, "Yes! We love this idea and would be thrilled to represent you." Just one voice who loves your characters as much as you do; who can see through the rough patches to the gold beneath. One person to say, "I think we can do something with this." Once you have that one person? Well, the work isn't over. But it's a step in the right direction, now isn't it?
And really, why would you want to continue a relationship with someone so tall they leave a crick in your neck, when someone who is just the right height is waiting for you around the corner? Why settle for someone who merely believes you have possibilities, when you can have someone who believes you to be the star you know you are?

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At 1:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And just like dating, WHY WON'T HE [SHE] CALL ME BACK??? Is it because my feet are too big?

--Lacey, STILL having problems with Blogger

At 10:04 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The issue here is we're talking about two different types of rejection. Or maybe two types of searching. With writing, you want anyone to say yes. You don't care who, you just need a yes. One yes erases 100 "no"s. With dating, you want the right person to say yes. The difference is you have to experience some wrong people saying yes before you learn what the right yes is. You never know just how annoying that crick in your neck will be until you date the tall guy.

-- The Friend


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