Saturday, January 27, 2007

I just can't resist...

Darn you, Shannon! You know I can't resist a good tag. I'm supposed to be answering questions for my web developer, not blog memes.
But I can't resist. So here you go:
Women's Fiction Meme
Contemporary, Historical, or Paranormal?
All of the above. I started with Contemporary, then I discovered writers like Christina Dodd and Kinley Macgregor. I tend to go through waves, now. I'll read a bunch of contemporary, then I move on to some Historicals. Then I might move on to a Paranormal, or a Suspense. It all depends on my mood.

Hardback or Trade Paperback or Mass Market Paperback?
Mass Market paperbacks are easier to carry around, and I'm all about ease.

Heyer or Austen?
Um...I've started one Jane Austen in my entire life. I'm about halfway through it two years later. I enjoy it, but I can get pulled from it easily. Never read anything by Georgette Heyer.

Amazon or Brick and Mortar?
I prefer being able to hold the books, flip through them, read the backs, and maybe an excerpt. When all else fails, Amazon.

Barnes & Noble or Borders?
I used to work for Borders, so I guess I'm slightly biased toward them. But I get more gift cards to B&N than to Borders.

Woodiwiss or Lindsay?
I read a few Lindsay way back when, but really neither.

First romance novel you ever remember reading?
Can't remember the title. It was a Harlequin Presents that my Bubbe owned. I remember the main character had red hair, and it took place in Australia.

Alphabetize by author Alphabetize by title or random?
Random to a point. I have all books by the same author clumped together. And if there is a series, I put them in order from first to last.

Keep, Throw Away or Sell?
Mostly keep, though in the last few years I've gotten better. I sell, donate or give away any book I don't absolutely love or see myself re-reading.

Read with dustjacket or remove it?
Same as Shannon. I usually start with it on, and then remove it when it starts to annoy me.

Sookie Stackhouse or Anita Blake?
Sookie. But it's been a while.

Stop reading when tired or at chapter breaks?
When I'm forced to go do something else, or else both. If I'm getting tired, I try to make it to a break.

“It was a dark and stormy night” or “Once upon a time”?
Once upon a time. I love my fairy tales.

Crusie or SEP? I started as a Seppie, and will always be one at heart. But I do love Crusie too. They are both fantastic.

Buy or Borrow?
Used to be I had to own. Now I'll beg, borrow, buy and loot.

Buying choice: Book Reviews, Recommendation or Browse?
Browse, auto-buys and recommendation. Rarely do I trust book reviews.

Tidy ending or Cliffhanger?
Tidy endings...I like my instant gratification. I don't want to wait.

Morning reading, Afternoon reading or Nighttime reading?
Whenever I CAN read :D

Series or standalone?
I love series. But I'm a bibliophile, so if it's good, I'll read.

Favorite book of which nobody else has heard?
That'd be tough. I have a tendency to shout about the ones I love until someone listens.



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