Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Sometimes I really am a bit of a geek...

I had a fantastic post all thought up last night...then I forgot it. So you'll have to make-do with this one.
As you know, I recently got a beautiful new car. So what comes next? Insurance of course. Now many of my friends have listened to me moan and complain about how much I was paying on my 11 year old baby before this one, so I did my homework this time. I dutifully called several companies to get quotes, and went with the best one.
That it included me renewing my old AAA membership? Well, that's a bonus.
What? You don't understand why I'm totally excited by this happy news?
Think about road maps, free access to travelers checks (not that I'm travelling anywhere any time soon), discounts on a variety of different things (including coffee!), and other various bonus features.
Sadly? They had me at the free road maps. I stocked up this afternoon on maps of Seattle/Washington, Oregon and British Columbia. Now, when I get lost? I have a chance of getting out of it!



At 10:27 AM, Blogger lacey kaye said...

OK, you ARE a dork! But a happy dork! Congrats :-)


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