Sunday, March 25, 2007

How adults celebrate a birthday party...

A few weeks ago I received an invitation to celebrate my friend Renee's birthday. Originally it was envisioned as a game party, with food all day long, and I couldn't wait. I planned to go later in the day, so I could work on report cards first. When I got there, a lot of the soup was already gone, but I arrived just before the cakes were brought out. Do I have good timing, or what??
After a few hours of chatting amongst friends, the fun really got started. We broke out....
The Play-doh.
A group of twenty and thirty-something women sitting around playing with Play-doh, while the men of the party went down to play video games. At one point we had a Play-doh bear army, set to take over the world. Eventually they became a peaceful protest group, though we aren't entirely sure what they protested. We had one sign, and all it said was, "No." No what? We have no clue. One bear became a cow slayer, when a toothpick was turned into a stake. (Okay, I admit that one was mine.)
But this, my friends, is how adults have a party.



At 8:23 PM, Blogger Amy said...

yay bear army! NO in general! :)

At 9:28 PM, Blogger Erin said...

Ha! Glad you liked the recap Amy :D

At 4:24 AM, Blogger Jill Monroe said...

Sometimes when I teach, we'll do homemade play dough - it is so much fun. My favorite is gingerbread play dough!

Glad you had a great time!


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