Wednesday, March 28, 2007

It's official!

Okay, I'm sure my friends are sick of hearing this, but I'm still pretty psyched, so I get to share with the rest of you. I'm going to Israel! I'll be travelling only a few days after school lets out. Talk about timing...
What I find the most amusing is that I've been there before, and had an okay time. But I've never felt this desperate need to go back. Maybe it's the memories of traveling with my whole family. Maybe it's the memories of being a socially awkward teenager. Maybe it's that I'm not a huge fan of heat, sun or bathing suits. Either way, I never really saw myself going back...until a couple of years ago.
But now's my chance, my time. And I can't wait!! Of course, so far the only proof I have is the itinerary for my flight from New York to Tel Aviv. I sure hope they tell me soon how I'm getting to NY, or this trip could get very interesting. Still, what a great way to start off summer vacation, right?

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At 9:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is amazing! Wish I was traveling. Have fun every minute. Don't forget your sunscreen.

At 6:02 AM, Blogger Jill Monroe said...

Will you have access to a computer so you can share your travels with us? Have a great time!

At 6:24 AM, Blogger Erin said...

I should probably take out stock in the sunscreen company now. Heaven only knows how much I'll buy before we leave.
I'm not sure about computer access. I'm hoping so, but I have a strong feeling I won't.'ll all just have to check back in :D If I don't, I promise to start the posts as soon as I'm back stateside.

At 8:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How incredible!!! I'm so super-excited for you!

And somehow I never knew you'd been before. Huh. Either way, be sure and take lots of pictures, photo-documentation is a must.



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