Sunday, April 22, 2007

A writer's life...

Sometimes the words just flow. I can sit down at the computer and I don't even have to think. It's like I'm channeling the muse directly, and she's simply using my body to get the words out.
Other times it's like drawing blood. The words are stuck behind a brick wall, and I can stare at the computer for as long as I want, but I may only have half a page written. Those are the days that make me want to throw the computer through the window.

Then there are the days when I'm miles away from my computer, but those realizations come. That's the thing about writing, we're still doing it even when we aren't at the computer. Even if I'm not putting words to paper I'm writing. I've joked before about how difficult it is to shut my brain down, but sometimes that's a blessing. Take today for example. Today I had what can only be termed a breakthrough on the current book. Not the kind of break through where I suddenly know what's supposed to happen next, but a break through about how I write.
I sat there last night struggling to get through a scene with my characters. I pushed and pushed the pages to sound the way I thought they had to sound, to stay true to the tone of the book. I think I was trying to keep the book from sounding to "romance-y", and that's a problem considering the book is a romance. So, now I have to go back through the pages I wrote last night, and flesh out the scene with the descriptions I left out.
Too romance-y. *snort* What was I thinking?



At 2:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 5:53 PM, Blogger lacey kaye said...

Yeah, that thought probably should have tipped you off that it was wine-thirty and far too late to write!


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