Sunday, July 01, 2007

Drive by blogging...

There is nothing more amazing to me than Friday night Shabbat Services in Jerusalem, at the Western Wall. I had chills, ladies and gentelman. There is something intense about that place, something that calls to the very soul of a human, regardless of religion. The wall literally brings tears to my eyes when I see it. When I'm up close and personal, touching the stones that have sat there for thousands of years. You don't think of the bastard who built it, or the number of times the temple there was destroyed. Instead, you think of all the people who have been there before, and will come after you...slipping their prayers into the cracks in the wall, just waiting to receive them.

I promise, pictures and stories later. But for now, Shalom to you all...I'm off to party :)

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At 10:04 AM, Blogger lacey kaye said...

Can't wait to see pictures! We'll have to get you some sort of portable slide show machine.

Take care.


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