Saturday, September 15, 2007

Two weeks down...

Well, I made it through the second week. My students really are funny. Maybe it's the age, or maybe it's that I've got a year under my belt so I'm more comfortable. Not really sure which, but I know I'm doing okay. I even made it to the gym three times this week.
Probably one of the best moments came during a poetry moment. I've started using beats (snapping fingers, clapping hands) to get the students used to the rhythm of poetry. At some point we picked up the beat from Queen's We Will Rock You. I finally got them to stop by offering a purple ticket to whoever could tell me the original performer of the song. Remember, my kiddos are 8 years old, the extent of their culture is Nickalodean's Drake & Josh and Spongebob. For the next 6 minutes I was bombarded with the name of every teen/tween pop star currently making noise: Hillary Duff, Drake, Josh...someone may have even thrown in Brittany Spears, but I'm not positive.
When I finally explained the group I was thinking of were around long before they were born, they came back with: The Beatles? The Rolling Stones?
Yup, my class makes me laugh. We're having fun...



At 9:38 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

A very belated L'shana tova!

It sounds like the new year is treating you very well. The kiddies sound like they're a hoot. Bet you're in for all sorts of fun shenanigans this year. Thank goodness they have you around to teach them about the important things in life.

And apparently I'm a third-grader at heart. I have the Spongebob lunch box and everything. Seriously, I really do. Which is why it's a good thing that you're the teacher and not me.



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