Wednesday, December 19, 2007

I made it...

Of course, by about 8 a.m. yesterday I was literally on the hour countdown to when I could leave work. I love my students, but the day before winter break? Heck, we're all ready to not be there. But we made it through their poetry recital (they did great!), and the reception following, and now I'm home. I'm home and I can finally start to feel some of the stress leaking away. Of course, when I look around at the mess that is my apartment, my shoulders are up by my ears again, but I can deal with that. It's just a little filing...and vacuuming...and dusting...and washing...and moving...and empyting...and...well, I think you get the picture.
So happy winter break to all teachers out there. Enjoy!

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At 5:42 PM, Blogger Eileen said...

I love taking some time at the end of the year to clean out closets and generally get organized. Of course my place falls back into being a nightmare a few weeks later- but for a brief time it feels great.

Enjoy your break!


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