Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Yiddish word of the...

Okay, I give up. Clearly I have good intentions, but I can't seem to get it together to do one of these a day, let alone a week. So from here on out we'll just call it Yiddish Word of the Whenever I Darn Well Feel Like It.
I think it has a nice ring, don't you?
So for all you faithful readers (and those of you who find me accidently...I know you're searching for info on Madonna. You got me instead, so stay awhile), here's today's word:
Shmegegi - (n.) Idiot. Pronounced shmeh-geh-gee. Frankly, I think this one has a much better tone attached to it. I mean really, when you're calling someone an idiot, don't you want to have some pizzazz when you go about it? I know I do.
So there you go. I hope you enjoyed tonight's installment. Stay tuned for more words, and for a very special interview (I swear, Eileen, I'm sending the questions!) and possibly the answer to how I missed the hellmouth under East Quad.

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