Monday, March 24, 2008

Conversations Part 3, or why Diana's husband is a lucky guy...

Diana: Readers should understand that I'll probably make changes as I go, but the refining is part of the process. If anyone would like to read the first draft of VEXING THE VISCOUNT (first chapter only) I've posted it on my website. (Click on the Books page for a link to VEXING). For those who remember Jade Lee's online workshop (online workshop for Eastside RWA), you'll know she eviscerated my initial offering for PLEASURING THE PIRATE. After much re-working, that sad start turned into something my editor made a two-book offer on. So the moral of the story is: It doesn't have to be perfect the first time. We just have to not be satisfied with the first time. I think lots of writers believe the story should just drip effortlessly from their fingertips, and I'm sure there are a few "wunderkinds" out there. But for most of us, the difference between writing for ourselves and writing for a paying audience is REVISION. We have to be willing to belabor our writing, to polish our prose till it sparkles, to rethink our whole premise if we need to and (sniff of sorrow) be willing to toss out everything that hints at being sub-standard. Interesting that you like to talk out your plotpoints, Erin. I run things by my husband all the time. He sometimes comes up with a unique slant I hadn't considered. Bless his heart, he even proof-reads my stories though romance isn't typically his genre. He helps me with the guy POV and whenever I'm stymied about how a guy would react to things, he's my sounding board. His favorite part of my books? The love scenes, of course! But he totally doesn't get the value of a 'near-miss.'

Come back tomorrow for more convesations, when we find out just how scary a plotting board is to me...

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