Friday, July 04, 2008

New discovery...

I made a fantastic new discovery the other day. It must come from having just a wee bit of too much time on my hand. I actually have the time to sit down and, oh, I don't know. Read one of my many back issues of RWR? Because I did...two of 'em!
And in one I found a brave new world...or at least one that doesn't require me to wait around for twelve different sites to load. Now, this discovery won't be new to most of you. In fact, at least half of you will laugh at me. But that's okay.
You want to know what it is? Really?
Google Reader.
It's a blog feed that works off my google account, and I'm in heaven! I click on one button, and if the google gods are feeling generous, seconds later I most of the blogs I read regularly popping up on one page...and telling me up front if they have new posts or not. No more skipping from blog to blog, hoping for new content. No more wondering if that page is going to load today, only to find out when it does, that it's the post from three days before that I've already read five times.
It's freedom.



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