Saturday, March 06, 2010

I'm trying

to be a better blogger. So here you go, the second post in a week. Go me!
I have about 4 weeks left to finish my National Boards, and I've come to some serious realizations:
1) It is not fun analyzing yourself. Especially not when you do it over. And over. And over.
2) It's way more fun writing books.
3) I used to be able to work on two projects at a time. Those days are long gone. Now I'm lucky if I can work on one project at a time.
4) Did I mention analyzing yourself stinks?
5) Too much thinking leaves you with a serious hurting brain, and no amount of ibuprofen or aspirin will help it.
6) There is a light at the end of the tunnel. But the light is very far away and somewhat dim.

But I'm almost there, for better or for worse. Then it's back to 52 Weeks and planning my wedding. Gosh, why do those two things sound so easy right now?



At 10:55 AM, Blogger Kate Diamond said...

Wow. I feel you. I am a naturally reflective person, but this takes navel-gazing to a whole new level... I am heartily sick of myself. I am heartily sick of my teaching.

All I want to do is sit on my couch and reread my favorite romance novels. (I sense this is what I'll be doing for a fair chunk of April.)

At 8:40 PM, Blogger Kate Diamond said...

Suck it, Entry 4. That's right. Suck it.

I'm writing this here because I know you'll feel my pain.

What happened to Sunday? Eaten by Entry 4. Curses upon ye, documented accomplishments!

Losing it, clearly. But I'd like to think that increases my charm.

At 9:00 PM, Blogger Erin said...

Oh, but I do feel your pain. This is, in fact, my exact reaction to entry 3. This Saturday was eaten by entry 1, but my mid-winter break was eaten by 3.
Curses upon it all!

And if you're losing it, then I'm right there with you.


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