Monday, April 18, 2011

Stretching those writer muscles...

As writers we spend most of our time hunched over a computer.  Or hunched over a book.  Or hunched over our...well, you name it, we're probably hunched.  I swear, it's a miracle most of us don't have a hump from sitting around the way we do. 
So, what can you do to help it?  Well, supposing you already have an ergonomic computer set up, the next best thing is stretching.  Spending all that time hunched over means the muscles in your shoulders are probably getting weaker, while the muscles in your chest are way too tight.  So, try this:
Stand in a doorway.  Place your left hand against the door so that your arm forms a 90 degree angle.  Step forward with one leg, gently pressing your chest past the door frame.  You should feel a gentle pull across the left side of your chest.  Now, switch sides and repeat with your right arm.  Try doing this a few times a day. You'll be amazed at how good it feels.



At 7:17 AM, Blogger Shannon McKelden said...

I tried this move. Positions A and B actually felt pretty good, stretching out my chest. Position C, not so much stretching as breaking my not-so-great shoulder joints. I had to stop that one. I can totally see doing this move more often, though, as it really felt good!

At 7:28 AM, Blogger Erin said...

I'm glad you liked. This is such an easy set of stretches, but so easy to forget to do also. But I bet you'll notice yourself starting to stand a little straighter, if only because those muscles aren't pulling your forward :)


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