Monday, May 09, 2011

Taking care of you...

As a writer we are in complete control of our characters.  Yes, they may have minds of their own.  Yes, they may travel down paths that lead to a dead end, causing you to backtrack (read: erase) many pages.  But ultimately, we're the one really in control. 
The same is true for ourselves.  We are in control.  We choose to get up and face the day with a positive attitude or as if we're walking to the guillotines.  We choose to eat five brownies or one apple.  We choose to lay on the couch all day or to go for a walk in the sunshine.  
We choose.
It's so simple really.  We make choices all the time.  So why is it we so rarely make the choice to take care of ourselves? To put ourselves first? 
Part of being a healthy writer is knowing when to put yourself first.  You need to know when to refill the well.  The how is up to you. But in order to be any good to anyone, you have to take care of YOU.  It's hard.  We have family and friends, husbands and children.  We have work and after school activities.  It's easier to say, "Sure!  I'll come out to (fill in the blank)," because we haven't seen our third cousin twice removed's daughter's son in eight years.  We want to spend time with these people.  But be careful because that dinner date (or coffee date, or play date, or...well, you get the drift) doesn't always refill the well.  Instead, it more often than not adds to the stress.  
So take a moment today.  Think about what you need to do to take care of you. Then schedule it.  If you don't, the opportunity will slip through your fingers.

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At 6:00 AM, Blogger Shannon McKelden said...

Great reminder!! (And thanks for the link. ;))


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