Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Switch it up!

Over the years I've learned some important things about myself.  Primarily, I get bored easily.  Maybe it's the Gemini in me...or maybe it's just that I have a short attention span.  I need to be challenged.  It's one reason I love writing.  Writing to me provides an opportunity to constantly push myself a little harder, a little further.
Our bodies are the same way.  We need to challenge ourselves, almost constantly.  If you do the same thing every day, for the same amount of time, eventually your body gets bored.  You may still enjoy it, but your body isn't reaping the same benefits.
So switch it up!  If you like to walk, find a new path or trail.  Maybe try a hike with more hills.  If you like to run, push yourself further.  Try training for a 5k.  If you're feeling really adventurous, try something entirely new.  Go for a swim, take a bike ride, try a new exercise class (Go Zumba!).  It doesn't matter what you do, just as long as you're pushing yourself. 



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