Saturday, July 23, 2011

Biceps challenge...

The other day I went for a walk with my mother, and was telling her about my adventures in strength training.  I fully admit to taking the slow route here, folks.  I started by building up strength in my shoulders, and as that has now become a normal part of the routine, I've begun to add other exercises.
Like the standard bicep curl. 
I was so proud of myself too.  I'd built up to a whole 5 lbs. per side!  Yes, this was big news for me, considering I started out with my 3 lbs. weights.
My mom, proud of my progress, had a suggestion that I'm going to share with you (along with the usual caveat that I'm not a trainer, I have no training in sports medicine, or the like.  I'm not a doctor).  My mom IS a personal trainer, and is always great to go to for suggestions on simple tweaks that I can do at home. 
You'll need two hand weights in varying sizes (ex. 3 and 5 lbs., or 5 and 8 lbs.).  The lower weight should be something you could curl 8-10 times without having to stop for a break.  The heavier weight should be heavy enough that your muscle is exhausted within 3-4 repetitions.
So here it is, a small modification that can make a world of difference.   Start with the lesser of the two weights.  Starting with your right arm, do your standard bicep curl 5-6 times.  Then immediately switch to the heavier weight for 2-3 curls.
Switch to your left arm, and repeat the routine starting with the lighter weight.
You'll go though the whole routine 2 times to start with.  According to my mother, this will actually help you build up your strength a faster than doing 2-3 sets of 8-12 repetitions of a lighter weight.  The key is to fatigue the muscle. 
At first I wasn't so sure, but I gave her suggestion a try, and was amazed at the result.  After going through this routine only a few times, I can already lift the heavier weight 4 or 5 times, instead of just 2 or 3. 
I've even tried it with a tricep press.  I'll have to let you know how that one goes after I give it a few more times. 
So, what have you done recently to challenge yourself and go a little further? 



At 2:03 PM, Blogger Shannon McKelden said...

Ooh! I'll have to try this! I have been using weights to work on my arms...cause I can do it while I work. I need to work more on triceps, but I have some nice little biceps going on. :) Thanks for the tip!

At 4:10 PM, Blogger Erin said...

Definitely let me know what you think. Good luck!


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