Wednesday, September 07, 2011

Quick check...

The school year is back in swing, which means I'm back to waking up at 0-dark thirty.  Which also means that I'm more tired on day two than I was on the first day.  I'll get used to it soon enough, but until then it's a struggle to do anything, let alone take care of myself. 
So, what do I do to combat this?  I make myself a deal.  I know myself well enough to know that if I come home (in this frame of mind), I won't leave again.  It'll take too much energy.  Instead I give myself twenty minutes.  That's it.  Twenty minutes of some kind of movement.  If all I can do afterward is collapse on the couch, so be it.  If, after twenty minutes, I have more energy and can go longer I do.  
What does this all have to do with writing?  Well, it's simple.  Give yourself twenty minutes.  You don't have to keep track of the pages.  You don't have to stay up all night.  Just spend twenty minutes writing.  If, at the end, you're ready for bed then go to sleep.  If you're not?  Well, maybe you can do another twenty!
Remember, in exercise as well as in writing, something is better than nothing.



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