Sunday, October 23, 2011

Who said all multi-tasking is bad?

Okay, if you've been listening to the news at all...or even to my dear friend The Happy Writer, you know that multi-tasking as not nearly as effective as we once believed.  Apparently when you aren't giving your full attention to something it takes longer to do. 
Imagine that. 
But the last few days I've been testing out a new theory.  This theory is that not all multi-tasking is bad.  For example, putting on your favorite dance music while cleaning can, in fact, make things better.  Alas, I'm not hear to talk about how to make your daily household chores more palatable.  Instead I'd like to talk to you about how you can improve your writing while exercising. 
I know, the two are pretty much mutually exclusive, unless you have one of those fancy writing treadmill desks (which, fyi, I want...I'm just sayin').  We all know that turning up the volume on faced paced music can not only get us moving faster, but it can also provide incentive to get our buts on that treadmill or elliptical machine.  
The other day, rather than turn on the tunes when I started my weight routine, I decided to turn on a workshop from RWA '11.  I ordered the CDs over the summer, and I've had them downloaded to my iPod for months.  But had I listened to a single one yet?  Of course not.  Who has the time?  
Except I did.  Sort of.  I'm doing my weight routine twice a week now.  It takes between 30-45 min. to complete.  That's 30-45 min. I could spend listening to a workshop (almost all of which are under an hour).  So I decided to give it a try. I've now worked through three different sessions, and I have to admit this may be my new thing.  First of all, I'm not getting tired of my music.  Second of all, because I don't have to "think" as much when I'm doing my weight routine, I can pay attention to the workshop.  And since I'm not walking or ellipticalling (is that even a word?), I don't have to worry about my pace.  
It's a win-win I figure. So here's my weekly challenge to you: find time to perfect your craft in a way that is non-writing related.  Listen to a workshop at the gym.  Go for a walk with a friend and brainstorm your heart out.  But do something different.

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