Sunday, March 04, 2007

Stupid human tricks...

It apparently wasn't enough that I burned my mouth on my tea earlier today, while out at lunch with an acquaintance. No, apparently the rest of me was jealous.
This entry probably should go under the "caution, don't drink and talk" heading. I was chatting away with Ms. L, pretty darn proud of myself because I finished my pages for the week, well before my self-imposed 6pm deadline, when I went to take a sip of my tea. Thankfully, it had cooled down quite a bit from when I'd ordered it, since I'd been working on it for at least 40 minutes at this point, or else this story would not have the happy ending I know you're all waiting for. So there I am, talking, when my tea took on a life of its own and decided to go visit my shirt.
Yup, spilled it right down my shirt. Not on it, mind you, but down it.
Yeah, I'm smooth.
There I sat, trying to continue my conversation in the middle of Starbucks, while sereptitiously trying to dry myself. At one point I was trying to wipe tea off my stomache before the rest of the front of the shirt got wet, all the while wondering how bad the whole thing must look. At least I can say that I'm pretty sure no one noticed.
Man, I hope no one noticed.

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At 7:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are so smooth. I would have started giggling, making jokes about my grace and agility while sauntering (quickly) up to the counter to ask the baristas for water to hose myself down further in hopes of avoiding a stain. I'm a little gauche some days.

At 6:01 AM, Blogger Shannon McKelden said...

"Smooth" was exactly the word I was going to use, Mizz K. LOL!


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