Wednesday, August 29, 2007

They cleaned my carpets...

Every year when I renew my lease they offer to clean my carpets. Since I'm no dummy, I take them up on their kind and generous offer. They were supposed to clean them while I was off on our family trip, but I came home to bone dry carpets, and no sign they'd been recently washed despite the fact I moved all my chairs and moveable furniture into my kitchen.
So I called up and nicely enquired as to the reason (we'll gloss over the fact I called when I'd had about a 2 hours worth of sleep total thanks to the teenager kicking my seat the whole flight home). Thankfully my managment staff likes me, and rescheduled the carpet cleaning to today. So I came home to clean, wet carpets.
Not damp. Wet.
Wet to the point where I put on my slippers to avoid moist feet, only to slide through my kitchen and almost land on my tush as soon as I stepped on the linoleum because they were so wet.
But they are clean...and I can't argue with that.



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