Sunday, March 02, 2008

I'm not talking to myself...

I'm talking to the voices in my head.
Doesn't sound so reassuring, does it? I'm pretty sure my acupuncturist was on his way to call the Loony Bin on my behalf, after I made this announcement yesterday morning. I was full of needles, had the little eye pillow on, and I called out, "Don't worry if you here me talking. I'm just talking to myself, working on my book."
I'm pretty sure that's a first for him.
But see, it was the perfect time. I mean, what else was I supposed to do? Moving created pain...not to mention no one wants to see you hobbling down the street with needles sticking out of your feet.
I could nap, but I didn't have to work yesterday so I'd gotten plenty of sleep.
I could hum a little tune, but that seemed pointless.
Or, I could figure out why my hero was such a tight-lipped SOB. He doesn't like to share anything about himself. A problem, when you're the writer and need to write his story. So at Serena's suggestion, I interviewed him. And let me tell you, he does not like to be pushed around. But when I pushed, I found out some very interesting things about my guy.
I don't care (too much) that I sounded like a crazy lady, muttering to myself. I mean, there was only one half of a conversation to hear, as my hero only talks in my head. That would just be weird, if he talked through me.
I still have some things to work out with him. A few deals he's going to have to make, whether he likes it or not. He doesn't like to let people in, but I'm not just anybody. I control his world, and all that happens in it. He might want to think about that the next time he tries to shut me out.

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