Sunday, April 06, 2008

With all the excitement...

I forgot to update the blog. Sorry, folks! I hope you all enjoyed my conversations with Diana/Emily. I hope to share more conversations with you in the future, since they are a blast to do.
I'm officially on Spring Break! I live for my breaks, if only because they guarantee time to take care of all the little things that fall between the writing. Or cleaning my apartment. And for those who might be wondering, no, I don't really work for the CIA. Teaching is not a "front" or a secret identity. I swear.
Or do I?
But seriously, folks, I'm on break and trying to use my time wisely. This means changing out the warm, flannel sheets for my new spring colors, getting some of my shoes stashed away (rather than leaving them strewn around the door), and cleaning out the clutter in my mind. And there's a lot of clutter there. In an effort to create a healthier, less cluttered mind, I'm trying yoga again and this time I intend to give it a fair chance. I'm also working on the procrastination problem I have. You know, the one where I leave all my writing until 10 o'clock at night, when I'm supposed to be going to sleep. So I've been working on tricking myself into starting earlier. Like telling myself if I start by a certain time, I only have to write for 15 minutes. Or I can watch my show, but only if I finish my page (pages). It's working so far, sort of. Frankly, I'm not very good at tricking myself, as I'm then the first one to say, "Yeah, right." See? It doesn't work very well. But I'm working on it, and I'm pushing forward, and in the end that's what matters, right? Right?!
So there you have it, the ramblings of a teacher on Spring Break. Gotta love it.

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