Sunday, January 04, 2009

Happy New Year!

How is it already 2009? Is anyone else feeling like last year flew by? The year sped past me without me even realizing how quickly it all moved, and nothing moved quicker than my breaks. In honor of the new year, and my decision to NOT make any resolutions, I thought I'd do a year in review. So, here it is:
-Finished writing 1 manuscript, started writing another.
-Read countless books, both that I loved, and some that I sent packing.
-Met a wonderful guy who makes me laugh.
-Participated in a year long leadership program.
-Started my third year of teaching.
-Watched my stepfather go through chemo and radiation, and come out on the other side of it all.
-Cursed the snow, snow, and more snow.
-Made new friends, lost some old friends, and cherished my current friends.
-traveled to San Francisco and Michigan.

Looking back, it's been quiet a rollercoaster. Here's to a fabulous 2009, may it bring with it all the good you wish for, and none of the bad we dread.

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At 7:20 PM, Blogger Eileen said...

I am BEYOND over the snow experience.

Here is to 2009 being a GREAT year.


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