Monday, November 23, 2009

Back in the saddle...

With the craziness of the new school year, finishing my YA manuscript, sending off requested partials of other manuscripts, getting into National Boards, and buying and moving into my condo let's just say writing hasn't been on the top of the list for a little while.
But that's about to change.
With the long Thanksgiving weekend approaching, and a handle on my grading for report cards, I'm planning to get at least a couple of pages done on my new manuscript. There are still a ton of kinks to work out, but just the act of pulling out the alphasmart to charge last night already has me feeling a little less shaky, a little less antsy.
Now, I'm not expecting to get a ton done. Not with so many people around. But a little bit. I'm good with a little bit. It's like dipping a toe into the baby pool.
What are your plans for Thanksgiving?

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At 10:12 AM, Blogger Kate Diamond said...

I am SO behind on my National Boards. How are you doing?

At 10:25 AM, Blogger Erin said...

I'm feeling a little better about things right now, but only because I could finally do something. For a while I couldn't even start because the lessons I needed didn't come until later in the year.


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