Sunday, May 09, 2010

Reminders of childhood...

The last few weeks have been full of reminders from childhood. The big one is my return to swimming. My gym opened a new location near the condo, and they have a pool. I've taken to swimming at least 1-2 times a week. I used to love swimming and being in the water, but go out of the habit as I grew older. This may have had something to do with lack of access.
Not only do I swim there, but I've also started participating in the water aerobics class. This class reminds me so much of the stuff my sister and I would do in the pool when we were growing up. Minus the handstands of course. But it involves lots of jumping around, and hanging on to the side and kicking for all I'm worth.
And, thanks to our beautiful weather, R and I pulled out our baseball gloves this weekend and threw around the softball. Lil' Sis joined us today for more softball fun. I played on our school team in middle school and high school, but not since. It was great to know I still have it in me...even if my throwing arm is clearly weak and prone to pain.

What have been your recent reminders of childhood?



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