Monday, December 20, 2010

Thoughts on the year...

Winter break has always been a time of relaxation for me. A chance to recharge and revive. This year it's also a time for me to look back on all the amazing events of the last year.
  • I began the National Board process. This can take up to three years, and is a very intense process.
  • I planned a wedding. This has been an amazing journey. It has challenged me in ways I never would have imagined, but I have come out stronger for it.
  • I continued to turn my condo into a home. Ray replaced all the lighting in the condo, creating a more warm and welcoming feel.
  • I finished and polished my YA novel, and began work on another Contemporary novel. While the first begins to make the submission rounds, the second is about 1/4 the way done. This is my 7th or 8th manuscript (it's getting hard to keep track people).
  • My writing support group morphed and grew, and I can now count some of the most amazing women, writers, and people as my friends. I love you all! (and yes, you know who you are).

As the year 2010 draws to its close, take a moment and think about all the blessings in YOUR life. It's so easy sometimes to glom on to the negative, but the positive has so much more power.



At 7:07 AM, Blogger Kate Diamond said...

Wow! You were busy. I admire the fact that you managed to finish and polish a manuscript (and start shopping it around!) while working on everything else on your list. Let's not forget the fact that you teach full time.

How do you do it?

At 9:58 PM, Blogger Shannon McKelden said...

You HAVE had a great year! And I predict next year will be even better! Love you!

At 12:24 PM, Blogger Erin said...

Kate - I don't know how I do it :) It's usually a miracle when I make it to the end of the year. It probably has something to do with a strong support system.
Shannon - From your mouth on up to the higher powers. Love you too!


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