Saturday, November 17, 2007

Seven Random Thoughts...

Christina tagged me with the Random Things Meme the other day. But first, a moment for the rules.
Random Meme Rules
1. Link to the person’s blog who tagged you.
2. Post these rules on your blog.
3. Don't drink anything over the keyboard while reading this meme on other pages.
4. List seven random and/or weird facts about yourself.
5. Tag seven random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs.
6. Stretch.
7. Let each person know that they have been tagged by posting a comment on their blog.

So here you go, seven weird and/or random things about me:
1. I have a minor obsession with all things monkey/chimpanzee/gorilla or orangutan. I think baby chimps are just about the cutest animal out there, not to mention often the funniest to watch.
2. Growing up I was convinced there were monsters under my bed. So I insisted my bed be pushed up against the wall. I then lined up my stuffed animals against that side of the bed to prevent said monsters from attacking. Apparently my very young self was not quite quick enough to recognize they could just come out the open side.
3. I was a child model. My parents had a friend in advertising, and apparently I had a face buyers would trust. I was in a regional add for Meyer's ice cream. I was also in a print ad for a local company known for selling camp clothes and sweatsuits.
4. I hate to be bored. I will often over schedule myself in an effort to avoid boredom. Which leads to number 5...
5. I'm not very good at simply relaxing and being. Too much nervous energy? The fear someone might call me lazy? Not sure why, but I'm very bad at it.
6. I'm a girly-girl. I like facials, manicures, massages and pedicures. I don't particularly like mud or dirt, and I especially hate them under my fingernails. Makes gardening difficult unless I have gloves. Even then? If any dirt gets inside? I'll spend half my time trying to get the dirt out.
7. I remember strange television shows from when I was a kid, but have no idea who starred in them or what they were about; all I remember is their names.

And now the really fun part...I get to tag six friends to participate in the meme. Play if you're up to it, but if not, I won't be offended. At least, not much.
Ms. K.
Ms. C
Eileen're up!

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At 6:09 PM, Blogger Eileen said...

oooh facials! Spa day next Seattle conference.


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