Thursday, January 10, 2008

Pride is a funny thing...

I rarely think of my writing as this extra special thing. It's who I am. I take it for granted that it's a part of my life, one that will never go away. It's also a handy party trick. Pull that little tidbit out at a dinner party or other gathering, and you'll have plenty of conversation for at least 10 minutes. Maybe even an hour if you're lucky. It dawned on me the other day, though, that maybe it's not such an ordinary thing. I mean, I realize that I'm part of a small group simply by virtue of having finished a manuscript. An even smaller group because I've sent those manuscripts out to attempt publication. But it still didn't strike me as special until a friend of mine told me how proud she was of me. Now granted, this was after listening to me go on about other events of the weekend. Maybe she was trying to cheer me up, but I don't think so. There was genuine pride in her voice. Pride that I'd followed my dreams, regardless of how bumpy the road might be. Another friend also commented on how proud I should be of my current manuscript and all the time, effort and love I poured into it. And again I was struck at her perspective. I am proud of my work, of myself. I know I've done a lot of things that others only dream of, and yet it's not something I spend a lot of time on. I cheer for myself each time I finish a manuscript. I cheer each time I start a manuscript. I cheer when I make such a mess out of my characters that it seems they'll never dig themselves out. But I don't often stop to think about how special those actions are. And I never realized how much I needed to hear those words from them. It's not that I needed the accolades, or the awe, but rather I needed that reminder that I do what few people can do...and I do it well. I may not be published yet, but I'm close. So very, very close. I just needed a reminder of it. Maybe we all need that reminder.

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At 10:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was beautiful, Erin! Thank YOU for reminding me that what we do is special.


At 5:20 PM, Blogger Eileen said...

sniff. This was great and so true. Many people dream- but it is a select group that gets up out of bed to put that dream into action.

At 7:35 AM, Blogger Patty L. said...

What a wonderful blog. This is my first time visiting and you have inspired me. I am currently working on my first manuscript and am almost complete. The funny thing is when I wrote in private it was so hard to find the time and then I spilled the beans to some of my family and friends and then with their constant encouragement the words follow more freely.

It makes me proud of the work that I have accomplished and what is yet to come when my husband and kids encourage me. They support my dream and allow me the time to fulfill my destiny.

Good luck on getting published I will say a little prayer for you.

At 4:55 PM, Blogger Erin said...

Welcome Patty! I'm so happy you found me. And I hear you on needing to have that encouragement. We all need to know others believe in us.

At 4:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reminder. You're right--it really *is* special. I finished my first book simply because I heard that 90% of all of those who begin a book *never* finish it. I wanted to be part of that 10%. And that doesn't even include the percentage who never dare to begin, or who finish their books but never bother to revise or work up the courage to submit. So, yes, you should feel good!


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